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Become an Authorized Training Provider:

Certify your employees in-house!

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Authorized Training Provider for the CPR Society® organization. By entering into this relationship with CPR Society, your company has the ability to teach accredited CPR, AED and First Aid certification courses using our propriety curriculum and learning software.

CPR Society has become the leader in lifesaving training. Our courses combine a variety of formats, including lecture, video, hands-on practice and music to provide a learning experience like no other!

The CPR Society program has certified thousands of students and is trusted by the Nevada Government, the Clark County Government, the school district, hotels and casinos, celebrities, medical clinics and many others!

Becoming an Authorized Training Provider will allow your company to designate a certified instructor to train your employees and keep them current on their certifications.


  • Curriculum follows the most current American Heart Association® Guidelines for CPR/AED/First Aid and meets OSHA compliance standards for providing workplace health and safety training.

  • CPR Society® will send you email updates and software upgrades as they are released at no extra charge.

  • After teaching the course, purchase student certifications on the CPR Society website and receive the cards within a few business days.

  • Customize a course that fits your group's needs.

  • You may choose to teach a variation of the course, such as:

  • Adult CPR/AED

  • Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED

  • Adult CPR/AED + First Aid

  • Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED + First Aid


  • Software license: $500 (one-time fee)
    Includes all course presentations and student training manuals in PDF, and instructor teaching manual. Tests and answer keys also included.

  • Certification fee per student: $10 (recurring)

• Optional products available for purchase:

Selecting a qualified instructor for your company:

To ensure the quality of CPR Society training programs, it is important to select an appropriate person to be designated as the instructor for your company. An instructor should be:

â–  An excellent communicator and educator

â–  Knowledgeable about the subject taught

â–  Positive and enthusiastic attitude

â–  Patient and flexible

â–  Professional demeanor

â–  Committed to teaching

â–  Proficient public speaker

â–  Proactive

Instructor Training:

The designated instructor for your organization will receive an instructor training manual and access to the course content. After completing the program, the instructor will need to complete the knowledge test and score at least an 80%. The instructor will then become authorized to teach classes for your organization and will receive an instructor certification card by mail.

Additionally, if requested, a CPR Society team member will answer questions and help new instructors with any information they need to successfully teach their courses. 

Download Information Flyer:

Check out the interactive training materials!

Apply Now!

Name *

Company: *

Email Address *

Phone Number: *

Briefly describe your company and training requirements: *

How did you hear about CPR Society?

Submitting Student Course Records:

Your organization is responsible for ensuring that your instructor submits training records to CPR Society within (7) business days. Certification cards will only be mailed after records have been submitted with the certification fee of $10 per student.

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